Friday, March 6, 2020

Build Your French Vocabulary How to Tell Time in French

Build Your French Vocabulary How to Tell Time in French Suzy S. For our last French vocabulary lesson, tutor Carol Beth L. taught us numbers, counting, and basic math. Now, its time to put that knowledge to work with this lesson on telling time in French So, are you confident with your numbers in French yet? Telling time is a wonderful way to practice â€" and is very helpful in everyday life! Lets start with a few basic words and phrases: Heure hour Lheure the time Quelle heure est-il? What time is it? (Say: Kel Ur [like the city] ay-teel) Il est ______ heures. It is ___ oclock. Midi noon (12pm) Minuit [say: mee noo ee] midnight (12am) In the question “Quelle heure est-il,” for the purposes of pronunciation, it is helpful to be aware of the concept of the liaison in French. When one word begins with a vowel sound, but the preceding word ends with a silent consonant, that consonant is pronounced almost as if it were the first letter of the next word. This is why the “t” in “est” is pronounced the way it is â€" but the “s,” which is also normally silent, is not. Lets look at a few examples: Susie: Quelle heure est-il? What time is it? Alain: Il est 9 (neuf) heures. It is 9 oclock. Alain: Quelle heure est-il? What time is it? Susie: Il est midi. Allons manger! It is noon. Lets go eat! In France, it is important to realize that the people you are speaking to will measure time on the 24-hour clock, often referred to as military time in the United States. So for any hour in the afternoon or evening, you will need to add 12 to the number we usually use for the hour in the United States: 13:00 = 1pm 14:00 = 2pm 15:00 = 3pm 16:00 = 4pm 17:00 = 5pm 18:00 = 6pm 19:00 = 7pm 20:00 = 8pm 21:00 = 9pm 22:00 = 10pm 23:00 = 11pm Here are a few examples of how this would be used in context: Il est 13 (treize) heures. (It is 1:00 in the afternoon. Literally: It is 13 oclock.) Il est 18 (dix-huit) heures. (It is 6:00 in the evening. Literally: It is 18 oclock.) So what about the times in between? Here, a little more vocabulary will help us out: ______ heures et quart a quarter past ______ ______ heures et demie half past ______ ______ heures moins le quart a quarter to ______ Again, lets see this in context: 1) Il est minuit moins le quart. (Its a quarter to midnight. Or equivalently: Its 11:45pm.) 2) Il est 15 (quinze) heures et demie. (Its a quarter past three in the afternoon. Or equivalently: Its 3:15pm.) 3) Il est 7 (sept) heures et quart. (Its a quarter past seven in the morning. Or equivalently: Its 7:15am.) Note that in the French version, “in the morning” or “in the afternoon” (indicated in the English translation) is implied because they use the 24-hour clock. These three vocabulary terms “et quart,” “et demie,” and “moins le quart” often require more practice for American students than the style that comes next, but they are used relatively often. You may wish to focus on practicing telling time using this format until it feels natural to you before moving on. Try looking at a clock at random times throughout the day and telling the time according to the nearest quarter-hour. Or if you have a “will return at” sign with a moveable clock on it, have a friend show you random times of their choosing, and give them the time (again, to the nearest quarter-hour) in French. You or a friend can also draw clocks with desirable times on them. So what if you need to be more precise than telling time to the quarter-hour? In English, we might say “Its ten-oh-three,” or “Its eleven fifty-seven.” In French, you can do almost the same thing: Il est dix heures trois. (Its 10:03 am.) Il est onze heures cinquante-sept. (Its 11:57 am.) Il est dix-sept heures vingt-neuf. (Its 5:29 pm.) Il est midi quarante-deux. (Its 12:42 pm.) In these and similar cases, be sure to include the word “heures” in your sentence between the hour and the minutes. We do not include it in English, but it is important in French. Now, you have several ways to tell time in French. If you recently learned to count in French, it is also an excellent way to practice your numbers. Practice your French vocabulary consistently and telling time â€" and numbers â€" will become second nature. For more help learning to speak French, why not try studying with a private tutor? Whether youre preparing to travel abroad or just need help getting your grades up, your French tutor can give you the one-on-one attention you need to reach your goals. Search for a tutor now! Carol Beth L. teaches  French lessons in San Francisco, CA. She has her Masters in French language education from the Sorbonne University in Paris and has been teaching since 2009.  Learn more about Carol Beth here! Interested in Private Lessons? Search thousands of teachers for local and live, online lessons. Sign up for convenient, affordable private lessons today! Search for Your Teacher Photo by The Shopping Sherpa

5 tips for setting up an online business - Introvert Whisperer

Introvert Whisperer / 5 tips for setting up an online business - Introvert Whisperer 5 tips for setting up an online business Whether you’ve been daydreaming about starting a small business for years, or you’ve had a sudden spark of inspiration, there are many factors to consider before going out on your own. Everything from budget, contacts, staff, and office space impacts those crucial early months as a fledgling business. Online businesses, in particular, come with a host of added elements you’ll need to tackle to succeed, including digital marketing, social media, search engine optimization, and changing consumer demands and expectations. As the Director of Ecommerce behind an online bathroom brand that’s grown from just family to over 11 employees, there’s certainly been difficulties and challenges to overcome along the way. 1. Invest in automation technology early Investing in technology at the earliest possible stage is likely to save time and valuable budget in the long run. Tech has proved vital in the growth of our business, with tools like Brightpearl â€" a CRM system which helps manage customer information and order data â€" helping us better look after our customers and keep on top of orders. We also use a digital stock system called WITS Warehouse Solutions which is integrated with Brightpearl. This allows order details to be sent to our warehouse, giving us complete visibility of what’s in stock at all times. If you’re a retailer, automating as many processes as possible will save you time that can be used strategizing about the future of the business, rather than getting bogged down in the day-to-day running of it. 2. Be agile at all times As the business grew, we established an online presence, initially using eBay, then our own e-commerce website. The business moved away from installation shortly after, focusing purely on online sales, supported by a list of recommended installers. Other small businesses may make the same progression â€" we identified the most profitable part of our offering and made that our focus. The biggest success was the changeover from using eBay to our website, which cut out the fees we were spending to process orders. This allowed us to personalize our service further and grow the business into the size it is today. Don’t underestimate how much it costs to stay up-to-date with online trends, either. The Sanctuary Bathrooms website has been the biggest investment over the development of the business, with steady updates required to keep the design modern and to stay competitive in terms of service, functionality, and reacting to changes in Google to retain and grow our search engine rankings. 3. Pick the right times to grow Growing organically and at the right speed is vital to keep your new business on the right track. At the start, our business only employed family members. Since those early days, we’ve grown enough to employ 11 members of staff, as well as moving from purely serving local customers to making international sales across Europe. Sometimes growth is unexpected, too. When a competitor announced that they were going out of business, we acted quickly to purchase the business and website from them, extending our product range and using our experience to turn the fortunes of the brand around. 4. Look after your customers It seems obvious, but making sure the customer is at the heart of everything you do will help a new business grow more quickly. Offering exceptional purchasing experiences is vital, as people will share good experiences in real life and on social media â€" and share bad experiences even more freely. We like to keep in touch with our customers via email and live chat to offer help with the installation of our products, or advice before they invest in a new bathroom set. We also leverage this channel of communication to aid sales, using HappyFox to update customers about new offers and promotions. 5. Invest to keep your best staff One of the hardest challenges as a new business is finding good staff. A team that will support each other is vital, as is finding candidates with the right attitude that will enhance the company ethos. Once you’ve built a small but professional team, it pays to take staff engagement seriously. Invest in team bonding experiences such as staff days out, activities, and weekly treats in the office. This will help bolster morale and make your best employees more likely to stick around. Author Bio: James Roberts is Director of Ecommerce at bathroom and interior retailer Sanctuary Bathrooms, based in the UK. He offers advice and guidance to all small businesses who are looking to establish themselves and grow into a successful brand online. Go to top OFFICE POLITICS Power-Influence-Office Politics: it comes down to your Strategic Relationships and understanding of how you build each one of these elements. I want to help you accelerate your career by connecting you with your Free Instant Access to my video that outlines all of this and meaningful actions you can take today!  Start watching now by clicking here! Brought to you by Dorothy Tannahill-Moran â€" dedicated to unleashing your professional potential. Introvert Whisperer

Thursday, March 5, 2020

Patience, Consistency, Creativity Tips For Raising Bilingual Children

Patience, Consistency, Creativity Tips For Raising Bilingual Children The experience of raising bilingual children can be as challenging as it is rewarding. However, in today’s multicultural world, more and more parents are adopting this approach.If you are raising bilingual children, or thinking about it, here are some tips on how to implement bilingualism in your home:1. Be Consistent.  It is important that you develop a plan as regards who speaks each language to the child and that you stick to it as much as possible. For example, if you decide that the One Parent, One Language (OPOL) technique is best for your family (that you speak one language to the child and your partner the other language), then do so continually. Consistency will ensure that the child has equal exposure to both languages.2. Find other bilingual families. If you can meet regularly with other families who are raising bilingual children you will find a valuable support network. You will be able to ask advice, swap experiences and maybe even trade books and other resources.3. Introduce your child to the cultures of both languages. It is important that children learn more than just the grammar and vocabulary of the languages they speak. If you take the time to introduce your child to the foods, music, traditions etc surrounding both languages, with books, art and music, for example, you will find they will be more eager to learn them.4. Start early. Research shows that it is best to start as early as possible in introducing your child to both languages. This gets them into the habit from the beginning in speaking both languages. Babies’ brains are like sponges and they will be absorbing everything you say even before they are able to speak.5. Have patience. Your child might learn one language faster than another or might appear to be more interested in one language than another. This is perfectly natural. As long as your child has exposure to a second language approximately 30% of the time, he/she should reach fluency over time.Here is a video on the be nefits of raising bilingual children:Did you find this article interesting? Feel free to share it on Facebook and Twitter. Contact us if you would like your child to take English lessons with a native speaker.

Self-Defense Glossary

Self-Defense Glossary If you decide to enter the police force or military, youll need to learn self-defense. If you are worried about your personal safety, self-defense classes could help. Here is a glossary to help you talk and write about the concepts of self-defense in English. Creator:Bill Valentine, Self Defense Coach and Instructor [CC BY-SA 3.0 (] Glossary blockHinder or stop the movement or action of (an opponent, a ball, etc.). concentrationThe action or power of focusing ones attention or mental effort. dangerThe possibility of suffering harm or injury. danger signAn indication that a bad or dangerous situation is likely to develop. enemyA person who is actively opposed or hostile to someone or something. feintA deceptive or pretended blow, thrust, or other movement, esp. in boxing or fencing. fightingThe action of fighting; violence or conflict. forceStrength or energy as an attribute of physical action or movement. guard positionThe guard is a ground grappling position where one combatant has their back to the ground, while attempting to control the other combatant using the legs. hitBring ones hand or a tool or weapon into contact with (someone or something) quickly and forcefully. hurtCause physical pain or injury to someone. judgementThe ability to make considered decisions or come to sensible conclusions. martial art Various sports or skills, mainly of Japanese origin, that originated as forms of self-defense or attack, such as judo, karate, and kendo. mindThe element of a person that enables them to be aware of the world and their experiences, to think, and to feel; the faculty of consciousness and thought. moveGo in a specified direction or manner; change position. muscular enduranceEndurance is the ability of an organism to exert itself and remain active for a long period of time, as well as its ability to resist, withstand, recover from, and have immunity to trauma, wounds, or fatigue. In humans, it is usually used in aerobic or anaerobic exercise. observationThe action or process of observing something or someone carefully or in order to gain information. precisionThe quality, condition, or fact of being exact and accurate. self-defense The defense of ones person or interests, esp. through the use of physical force, which is permitted in certain cases as an answer to a charge of violent crime. sidestepA step taken sideways, typically to avoid someone or something. speedThe rate at which someone or something is able to move. supplenessThe gracefulness of a person or animal that is flexible and supple. techniqueA skillful or efficient way of doing or achieving something. unbalanceMake (someone or something) unsteady so that they tip or fall. weak spotA place of special vulnerability. Please follow and like us:

The Summer School Nightmare is Coming!

The Summer School Nightmare is Coming! There are so many things that are desired in a students life, but the beginning of summer vacation is not on the list. While summer may mean sun and relaxation to most students, you have to obey your parents and use the summer months to continue your education. Is there anything more awful? Summer classes are not at all your idea of the perfect way to spend your vacation time, and we all know that in the long run, you will never be happy that you did. Most students do not attend summer sessions (lucky losers), which means you will have smaller class size great for those with claustrophobia (it is not a fear of Santa Claus, it is a fear of closed spaces). And to become more terrifying â€" that means more individual attention and access to your teachers. Are you really so willing to get to know your professors and your campus better? Isnt that an extra burden for your poor brain, already stuffed with all those beautiful things like, sports, dances, movies, good food… They will try to seduce you with different programs and activities at school without having to fight the crowd that arrives in the fall â€" as if you care! But there is a ray of light among the darkness shorter summer session! Summer classes last just 8 weeks, which means you may complete courses in half the time of a regular semester. On the other hand â€" I promiseâ€" you will spend less time in regular classes! Less time surrounded by your wonderful classmates bulling you, less time in the school cafeteria, poisoning you with broccoli… Try to take classes on subjects you hate, because you will have more time for subjects you like during the regular sessions. The shorter summer session also means you can still enjoy a break before the fall semester begins. Summer courses maybe could help you graduate sooner. That is what THEY want you to believe! It was not enough getting up early for 9 months! No! You have to continue living that nightmare by taking classes, so you may earn credits towards the approximate 120 college units needed to graduate. That means that you will have fewer classes to take during the end of your college career â€" less time spent with your friends, making jokes about your annoying teachers; not to mention seeing the boring faces of your tutors, instead of taking in the sun outside. And the final drop taking classes in the summer will keep you in the habit of attending class, studying and completing assignments. Now it is all clear! They think you dont have a social life! They may imagine that you were born for studying and moving forward to success! How could they! And the music? And the FUN? Keeping yourself in the educational habit could mean a more successful semester in the fall, or a total ruin for your usual lazy life. It is your choice: become a studied, pale first in the class, or bronzed party star, repeating tedious subjects year after year, repeating the same class several times … The Summer School Nightmare is Coming! There are so many things that are desired in a students life, but the beginning of summer vacation is not on the list. While summer may mean sun and relaxation to most students, you have to obey your parents and use the summer months to continue your education. Is there anything more awful? Summer classes are not at all your idea of the perfect way to spend your vacation time, and we all know that in the long run, you will never be happy that you did. Most students do not attend summer sessions (lucky losers), which means you will have smaller class size great for those with claustrophobia (it is not a fear of Santa Claus, it is a fear of closed spaces). And to become more terrifying â€" that means more individual attention and access to your teachers. Are you really so willing to get to know your professors and your campus better? Isnt that an extra burden for your poor brain, already stuffed with all those beautiful things like, sports, dances, movies, good food… They will try to seduce you with different programs and activities at school without having to fight the crowd that arrives in the fall â€" as if you care! But there is a ray of light among the darkness shorter summer session! Summer classes last just 8 weeks, which means you may complete courses in half the time of a regular semester. On the other hand â€" I promiseâ€" you will spend less time in regular classes! Less time surrounded by your wonderful classmates bulling you, less time in the school cafeteria, poisoning you with broccoli… Try to take classes on subjects you hate, because you will have more time for subjects you like during the regular sessions. The shorter summer session also means you can still enjoy a break before the fall semester begins. Summer courses maybe could help you graduate sooner. That is what THEY want you to believe! It was not enough getting up early for 9 months! No! You have to continue living that nightmare by taking classes, so you may earn credits towards the approximate 120 college units needed to graduate. That means that you will have fewer classes to take during the end of your college career â€" less time spent with your friends, making jokes about your annoying teachers; not to mention seeing the boring faces of your tutors, instead of taking in the sun outside. And the final drop taking classes in the summer will keep you in the habit of attending class, studying and completing assignments. Now it is all clear! They think you dont have a social life! They may imagine that you were born for studying and moving forward to success! How could they! And the music? And the FUN? Keeping yourself in the educational habit could mean a more successful semester in the fall, or a total ruin for your usual lazy life. It is your choice: become a studied, pale first in the class, or bronzed party star, repeating tedious subjects year after year, repeating the same class several times …

Hypnosis To Learn a Language Here Are the Facts!

Hypnosis To Learn a Language Here Are the Facts! Hypnosis? To Learn a Language? Here Are the Facts! You are getting sleepy.You are getting very, very sleepy.You will only respond to innovative language learning techniques.  When you read you are getting sleepy, did you immediately picture a swinging watch or hypnotic swirl? We did.But  hypnosis isnt all the bad stereotypes and desperate TV/movie plot twists that youre familiar with. In fact, theres some evidence that it might actually be useful for learning a language.Like the idea of learning a language while sleeping, the basic premise behind using hypnosis to learn a language is to ease the learning process.While you wont learn  Chinese,  French,  German,  Japanese  or Spanish  from scratch in your sleep or under hypnosis, sleep learning and hypnosis may have the potential to give you a leg up.Most language learning hypnosis focuses on using audio programs  in a new context. Rather than being asked to actively participate, youre usually asked to relax, which makes hypnosis a low-stress technique you may want to try.But what exac tly is hypnosis? Why should you try it? What resources are available for hypnosis for language learning? And, perhaps most importantly, does it actually work?Well guide you through all you need to know about using hypnosis to learn a language. Hypnosis? To Learn a Language? Here Are the Facts!What Exactly Is Hypnosis?Hypnosis has not always enjoyed a great reputation. Its sometimes considered a parlor trick. Worse still, some people fear its potential to shape their minds without their control. However, the possibility of shaping minds is exactly why hypnosis is so popular.The American Psychological Association (APA) calls hypnosis a therapeutic technique. Usually, a professional will help you enter a relaxed state before providing suggestions that are meant to shape your thoughts and behaviors. The idea is that with a relaxed mind, people are more open to suggestion and can therefore be influenced to make positive changes.Youre probably mostly familiar with hypnosis for its use i n things like smoking cessation  and weight loss. Indeed, there are more studies on the use of hypnosis for these purposes, though results are mixed.In summation, hypnosis is definitely not just a parlor trick, and it could offer many real-world benefits. While theres not enough evidence to be certain of these benefits for language learning or anything else, hypnosis might still be worth a try.So Then, Why Try Hypnosis for Language Learning?While there are not enough studies to support hypnosis as an effective language learning technique, some limited studies are optimistic about the possibility that hypnosis could be beneficial for language learning. For instance, some research suggests improvements in spelling and pronunciation. And any possible advantage is inherently appealing!Plus, some hypnosis programs aim to increase confidence. Confidence is important for language learning since you need to have enough confidence to try. While theres little research to show whether hypnosis can actually improve confidence, everyone could use a cheerleader!In general, resources for hypnosis language learning dont actually claim to be able to teach you a language in its entirety, but as hypnosis is a laid-back and relaxed method by nature, its easy to combine with resources that more thoroughly target a language like FluentU. FluentU takes real-world videosâ€"like music videos, movies, talks, vlogs and other interesting tidbitsâ€"and turns them into personalized language lessons.Finally, trying new learning techniques can help you experiment to see what works for you. Anyone can end up in a language learning rut. Trying a new and different technique like hypnosis might be just the thing you need to see your target language in a new light.5 Resources That May Help You Learn a Language via HypnosisNote: Some of the video resources below may not be recommended for those with certain medical conditions, like epilepsy, so make sure to check into whether a particular resource is safe for you before using it.Learning a Language HypnosisLearning a Language Hypnosis is provided by UltraHypnosis, which bills itself as one of YouTubes best and most extensive hypnosis channels. The channel has over 300,000 followers and 95 million views, so it would seem YouTubers agree.This video is meant to help language learners by increasing their drive to learn a language. Since learning a language takes time and determination, staying motivated can be challenging for language learners. This is especially true when you encounter setbacks, like challenging grammar rules or conjugations. Because of this, anything that could offer a little extra motivation might be worth a try.The video features a spinning spiral image as the narrator talks you into a relaxed state. Then, the narrator encourages you to learn a language, assuring you that you enjoy it and youre great at it. Even if the hypnosis itself doesnt work for you, the video could certainly act as a helpful pep talk.S peak Any Language Like a Native Unlock Your Natural Learning Ability Learn Any Language QuicklyThe title may be a bit of a mouthful, but this video by Subliminal Shinobi might be just what youre looking for.This video uses subliminal positive affirmations. The audio is somewhat jumbled, so you wont hear these affirmations on a conscious level. However, the video description does also provide a list of these affirmations that you may want to repeat and/or write down. Subliminal Shinobi has a specific process that it recommends, detailing when to listen and what to do, including visualizing your intentions. However, do note that Subliminal Shinobi does not recommend this video for those with seizure disorders.Affirmations are meant to give you confidence, so this video might help give you the confidence you need to continue forward on your road to fluency.Hypnosis for learning a new language with Oxanna ChomaIn this video from the Cara Institute for Advanced Hypnosis, the hypnotist appears on camera and speaks slowly and calmly to help lull you into a relaxed state. She also uses the well-known swinging watch technique for a bit to further relax you.Once the session really heats up, it focuses primarily on motivation and visualization. The hypnotist makes statements intended to help you feel more motivated to study a language and use your skills. She also encourages you to visualize using your skills, which could serve as a useful reminder of why youre actually learning a language in the first place.368 Sounds Noises Co.The 368 Sounds Noises Co. YouTube channel offers a number of hypnosis videos, including three intended to help you learn specific languages. These videos claim to use binaural beats, which is a type of sound that some claim can manipulate brain waves, though studies havent proven this.Learn Chinese with Hypnosis,  Learn Japanese with Hypnosis  and  Learn Spanish with Hypnosis  all have the same basic format. Images appear while a song plays. You cannot consciously hear what message is being givenâ€"presumably, its buried within the audio. Each video also contains images.  Learn Chinese with Hypnosis displays a yin yang symbol and occasional messages to drive you forward.  Learn Japanese with Hypnosis displays an older version of the Japanese flag along with some Japanese characters and images of Japan. Learn Spanish with Hypnosis shows the yin yang symbol, some Spanish words and occasional motivational messages.Become Fluent in French SubliminalBecome Fluent in French Subliminal by HypnoDaddy provides positive affirmations that aim to help you learn more quickly, speak more confidently, improve your pronunciation, polish your grammar, increase your vocabulary and more. HypnoDaddy suggests you listen to the video twice a day for three months.The video features soothing nature sounds. The messages are subliminal, so you cant consciously hear them, but at the very least the relaxing audio can help prepare you for the best nap of your life and hopefully give you the drive you need to wake up and work on your French skills!While the jury is out on whether or not hypnosis is actually an effective language learning technique, it might be worth trying.Anything that could possibly improve your fluency is worth a shot! And One More ThingHypnosis is a fun idea that might have something to it, but if youre ready to experience concrete success when it comes to language learning (or heck, just thoroughly test out whatever superpowers hypnosis may have given you), its time to try FluentU.With FluentU, you learn real languagesâ€"the same way that natives  speak them. FluentU has a wide variety of videos, including movie trailers, funny commercials and web series, as you can see here:FluentU App Browse Screen.FluentU has interactive captions that let you tap on any word to see an image, definition, audio and useful examples. Now native language content is within reach with interactive transcripts.Didnt catch som ething? Go back and listen again. Missed a word? Hover over or tap on the subtitles to instantly view definitions.FluentU Interactive Transcripts You can learn all the vocabulary in any video with FluentUs quiz mode. Swipe left or right to see  more examples for the word you’re learning.FluentU Has Quizzes for Every VideoAnd FluentU always keeps track of vocabulary that you’re learning. It uses that vocab to give you a 100% personalized experience by recommending videos and examples.

Four Tips For Your First Week Back to School - TutorNerds

Four Tips For Your First Week Back to School - TutorNerds Make the Most of Your First Week Back to School With These Four Tips Make the Most of Your First Week Back to School With These Four Tips It starts with a commercial in July. Wait, did they say something about back to school? Couldn’t be possible, it’s too early. Next, you see school supplies popping up at CVS and Target. You start to panic. Is summer over? Just like that, it’s time to prepare for a new school year. Though it is sad to see summer go, back to school is an exciting time of year. You get to find out who is in your classes, school activities such as sports start back up, and you get a fresh start. No matter how the previous year went, a new school year is the perfect opportunity to set a new standard of success. Here are four tips from a private Orange County academic tutor for your first week back to school! 1. Book a private tutor Too many students wait until their first report card to seek help. The last thing you want to do is get behind early in your classes. For this reason, we recommend booking a private academic tutor during your first week. Students are often a little rusty in the fall, so it’s essential to have a little extra help brushing up on what you learned the previous year as well as getting ahead on new course material. Remember that teachers can’t wait for every student to catch up before moving on, they have schedules they must stick to. A private Orange County tutor is the perfect way to stay on top of your schoolwork from the first week and beyond. 2. Create a master calendar Students will most likely receive a detailed course syllabus from each teacher. Programs will often include due dates, test dates, and other important deadlines. At the end of your first week, take an hour to put all critical dates into a master calendar, which you will check every day, or at least every Monday. Once coursework picks up, it will be hard to remember all of your due dates if you’re always checking each syllabus (READ: 5 Reasons to Hire an Orange County Private Tutor). 3. Make new friends This one is easier said than done, and it’s completely normal if meeting new people makes you uncomfortable. Set a goal to introduce yourself to at least one person in each of your classes. Establishing a friendship early in the year will help down the road when you need a study buddy or just someone to talk to about the course. 4. Join a club A great way to get involved and make new friends is by joining a club. From foreign languages to the arts, most schools offer a wide range of clubs anyone can join. If you struggle in a particular course, join a club where you can get help from students who enjoy that class. There you have it, Orange County! The first week back to school can be fun, but it also sets the pace for the rest of your year. Make the most of it with these four tips. Members of the TutorNerds team and our private tutors write every blog post. If you have any questions about our blog, please email us at